Network Operations Centre (NOC)

Our Network Operations Centre (NOC) is located in Midrand, Johannesburg. This is a highly sophisticated live SolarWinds installation from which Alteram Solutions’ network and security engineers remotely monitor clients’ IT environments in real-time.
The NOC is a secure facility on Alteram Solutions’ business premises. This access-controlled facility is equipped with screen displays for customised reporting for various clients. Our NOC is the focal point of network trouble shooting, software distribution, updating, router and domain name management, performance monitoring, and coordination with affiliated networks.
We monitor and report on a vast selection of issues namely:

Network Performance Monitoring

• Uptime
• Reachability
• Link Capacity
• Resource utilisation
• Interface status per device

Server and Application Monitoring

At Alteram we define thresholds. Alerts are triggered when these thresholds are reached. This allows us to take preventative action and mitigate costly infrastructure downtime for our clients.

Our NOC monitors the following:

• Uptime and availability of applications and databases
• We deliver accelerated problem identification and resolution
• Monitoring of servers hardware capacity
• Monitor applications performance and availability
• Application dependency mapping
• Server volume monitoring and capacity planning

Log and Event Management

Log and Event Management is considered an essential step towards IT security services. Through Log and Event Management, our technical team collects all logs from servers, routers, switches and virtually all critical devices in the network environment. With event correlation, we are able to trace any changes and anomalies in the network.
• Real-time correlation to identify attacks
• Detect breaches with threat intelligence
• Supports root cause analysis with built-in intelligence that applies to networks, applications, and security management
• Blocks and quarantines malicious and suspicious activity, including inappropriate USB usage

Comprehensive and cost effective services:
Incident Management

• Processing of events and alarms
• Fault identification, isolation, troubleshooting and resolution
• Returning the network to an operational state

Configuration management

• Setting system parameters for turn-up
• Provisioning the network; configuration and system backups and restoration
• Developing and operating system databases

Accounting Management

• Monitoring and managing service usage
• Capacity planning
• Specifying, logging and controlling user access to network resources

Performance management

• Implementing performance controls, based on the IP services architecture
• Collecting and analysing network performance data
• Generating short or long-term reports from the data
• Controlling network and system performance parameters

Security management

• Implementing security controls
• Collecting and analysing security data
• Generating security reports and logs from this data